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A Social and Holistic Approach to Numeracy
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Anna talks about the Task Process Cycle.

Task Process

We suggest using a task process cycle when approaching an everyday task or problem that involves math. Thinking about these basic steps can help learners become more confident, develop better self-awareness as learners, and make personal connections with math in their daily situations.

4 Steps:

1. Describe Task and Select Relevant Information
Look at the task or problem and decide what information you will need to work it out.

2. Choose Strategy
Choose the strategy or approach that seems to fit best (e.g., that might be deciding to start with adding or grouping).

3. Apply Strategy
Try it out.

4. Reflect on Meaning of Outcomes
• How did it work out?
• Do the results make sense?
• Talk about what action you might take as a result of doing this task.
• Are there other situations in your life where this kind of problem has come up before or might come up again?

adapted from Rethinking Assessment : Strategies for holistic adult numeracy assessment, Helme, S., Marr, B., Tout, D., 2003

A practitioner adapts the Task Process Cycle for her learners.